Kundalini Activation Energy - KAE® by Ana Pereira

  • Emotional, Energetic and Spiritual Balance
  • Nervous System Regulation
  • Access to Higher States of Consciousness
  • Connection with Higher Purpose and Creativity

Retreats︱Online & In-person Sessions
Upcoming Sessions
The number of spaces is limited and established on a first-come, first-served basis.
The prices for the KAE® sessions are the same worldwide.

KAE® - A Transformative Experience

Kundalini Activation Energy, or KAE, represents a powerful energy healing technique developed by Diego Moscoso. Its core purpose is to remove energy blockages and restore equilibrium across the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

This non-dual, love-centered technique leads individuals on a transformative journey of self-reconnection, where energetic information is purified, and the opportunity to attain higher states of consciousness is provided at each new session.

All you need to do is lie down, relax, and open your mind and heart to the process, embracing a journey of self-discovery, transformation and life expansion.
Diego Moscoso, the founder of Kundalini Activation Energy with Ana Pereira, certified KAE facilitator and KAE retreats organiser.

KAE® - A Transformative Experience

Kundalini Activation Energy, or KAE, represents a powerful energy healing technique developed by Diego Moscoso. Its core purpose is to remove energy blockages and restore equilibrium across the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

This non-dual, love-centered technique leads individuals on a transformative journey of self-reconnection, where energetic information is purified, and the opportunity to attain higher states of consciousness is provided at each new session.

All you need to do is lie down, relax, and open your mind and heart to the process, embracing a journey of self-discovery, transformation and life expansion.
Diego Moscosothe founder of Kundalini Activation Energy with Ana Pereira, certified KAE facilitator and KAE retreats organiser.


Physical, mental & emotional well-being
Regulates and balances the nervous system, helps to reprogram the brain, and promotes emotional healing.
Transformation & inner empowerment
Improves vitality, confidence, creativity, emotional intelligence and promotes stress reduction and tranquility.
Higher consciousness & elevated awareness
Cultivates greater mental clarity and a sense of purpose, fosters compassion for oneself and others, and awakens to new insights.
Transformation from the Inside Out

KAE® Experiences with Ana Pereira

The retreat programs have been meticulously crafted under the direct guidance of Diego Moscoso, the founder of Kundalini Activation Energy, to ensure that you receive the fullest benefit of the technique during your stay with us.
3-Day Retreats
'Homecoming' - 2 KAE sessions, mentoring and integration sessions, meditation, nature immersion, and much more.
6-Day Retreats
"Soul Freedom" - 4 KAE sessions, mentoring and integration sessions, meditation, Thai massage, sound healing, and much more.
Private Sessions
Held in a location chosen by the client or online. Prices: €130 for an in-person session (Coimbra & Aveiro cities) I €80 for an online session.
Group Sessions
Prices per person: €50 for an in-person group session I €50 for an online group session.
Private Sessions
Online Private Session - Worldwide
Select your preferred date and time for the session, and complete the reservation using the provided link. If my calendar availability doesn't match yours, feel free to contact me directly to schedule a convenient date and time that works for both of us.
In-Person Private Session
Private sessions can take place at a location chosen by the client, such as their home or a studio selected by Ana.. An additional fee applies for areas outside the cities of Coimbra and Aveiro.
  • Ana Pereira

    Certified KAE® Facilitator, Mentor, and Retreat Leader

    Originally trained as a mechanical engineer, Ana embarked on a transformative journey by leaving her corporate career in Norway to establish an Ayahuasca medicinal retreat business in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon in 2016.

    Upon returning to her birth country of Portugal, to build and raise her family, Ana has now dedicated herself to hosting retreats and workshops that draw upon her extensive experience and expertise, with a focus on self-discovery and personal growth. Ana's mission is to assist individuals who, like her, are on a journey towards a more authentic life, aligned with their higher purpose.

  • Ana Pereira

    Certified KAE® Facilitator, Mentor, and Retreat Leader

    Originally trained as a mechanical engineer, Ana embarked on a transformative journey by leaving her corporate career in Norway to establish an Ayahuasca medicinal retreat business in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon in 2016.

    Upon returning to her birth country of Portugal, to build and raise her family, Ana has now dedicated herself to hosting retreats and workshops that draw upon her extensive experience and expertise, with a focus on self-discovery and personal growth. Ana's mission is to assist individuals who, like her, are on a journey towards a more authentic life, aligned with their higher purpose.

Transform Your Life
The practice of KAE® helps us transcend our conventional emotional and cognitive states, progressively align with our true essence, and transform our lives from the inside out.

What is Kundalini Energy?

In Hindu tradition, Kundalini energy, often referred to as the spiritual or life force, is believed to reside at the base of the spinal column, symbolized as a coiled serpent. It's seen as a latent potential within every individual, offering profound healing and spiritual transformation. Kundalini energy contributes to emotional balance, heightened awareness, and connection to higher dimensions of existence.

What is KAE®?

KAE® is the unique process in the world that combines the Universal, Kundalini, and Toroidal Energies. It involves the transmission of Universal energy from a certified facilitator to the patient. This transmission naturally and safely stimulates the patient's Kundalini energy, which, in a spontaneous and conscious manner, initiates a self-healing process across all levels of their being, seeking to manifest their inherent and natural power.

How are the sessions, and who can attend?

Sessions can be either individual or in a group setting. Participants lie down, close their eyes, and relax, enabling the facilitator and the energy to perform their work. Music always accompanies the sessions, and there is no physical contact, except in specific cases to aid the flow of energy.
KAE sessions are open to anyone, except those with the following medical conditions: heart disease, epilepsy, or a mental illness.

What happens during the sessions?

Throughout the sessions, you may experience a range of sensations, including tingling, involuntary movements, shifts in temperature, and emotional expressions such as tears, laughter, or even shouts. Some may not perceive any specific sensations, yet the technique remains effective for all. The primary requirement is to grant the body the freedom to express itself, awakening the innate power of Kundalini. Nevertheless, the most remarkable outcomes are the profound transformations that unfold in our lives following the process.

What are the benefits?

KAE® practice plays a crucial role in dissolving internal blockages that result from the accumulation of energetic density after painful or traumatic experiences. These blockages create hindrances that impede the healthy functioning of the body, disrupting the flow of Kundalini energy and negatively affecting cells deprived of this vital energy. Each KAE session works to unravel these obstacles, allowing vital energy to regain its strength and purify everything in its path.

What should be the frequency of the sessions?

While we recommend a minimum interval of 7 days between sessions, the choice is entirely personal. Once you've started your healing journey, the key is to stay attuned to yourself and recognize when you're ready to dive even deeper into your path. Some people choose to do it every 10 days, others once a month, and some every 3 months. Some use it as emergency therapy, or as a support to other therapeutic modalities, in order to achieve faster and/or deeper results.

Is there scientific evidence supporting the benefits of this practice?

Indeed, one of the most intriguing aspects of Diego Moscoso's work, the founder of KAE®, is his dedication to bridging the gap between energy medicine and conventional medicine. In pursuit of this goal, the Escuela Energia Internacional, established by Diego, is actively engaged in researching neurofeedback and biofeedback. They employ measurements of brain activity from both their students and facilitators to consistently advance and refine the KAE® technique.
Unlock the Next Level of Your Soul's Manifestation
At our retreats, you'll embark on a holistic journey of self-discovery, surpassing your current limitations, and aligning with your higher purpose.
Do you want to know more about the history of KAE, its founder, and its benefits? Don't miss our latest article!

Kundalini Activation Energy

Kundalini Activation: The wellness trend with benefits

everyone wants to try.

Our Contacts
Any doubts or questions feel free to write us.
+ (351) 915 565 319 (WhatsApp only)
Coimbra, Portugal